The Month of Luck

What if you had one wish? What would you wish for?

What if you had one wish? What would you wish for? 

If I had one wish, of course I would consider my wording for my wish. I would also make sure that it was the proper wish. I wouldn’t want this wish to be delivered the wrong way. You have to be careful you only get one right! 

So let’s start with what my wish would be. First let me mention that with this wish I would make sure that it is understood that my wish is “I wish I could have my dad back for a day.” I choose a day because I know my dad wouldn’t want to be back for good all over again. It would be selfish for me to wish for that. It is probably selfish for me to wish for him even for the day, but I want Jasmine and Harley to meet him. I want him to meet them. They would love him, as he would love them. There is no question about that. He loved his grandbabies with everything  he was.

Even though there is so much that I want to tell him this wish isn’t completely for me it is for my babies. I wouldn’t want to take any time away from the time that they would have together. Them getting to spend one more day with him would be the best thing I could ask for. My dad was my whole world. He was the glue to everything and once he passed so much changed. He was my oldest daughter’s best friend and once he passed I think it left her with a void. Though she won’t talk about it I feel like it bothers her more than she has let off. So I feel like one more day for my babies would be the best for them and him. I want to believe that he is at peace wherever he is but part of me feels like since he passed so close to one of my daughters being born that there will always be that little space in the air. That could just be me, because as I mentioned above my dad was my whole world. I was such a daddy’s girl. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him, and how much I miss him. 

It’s coming up on the anniversary which is probably why I am so emotional right now about it. Not that I’m not always, but right now it’s a little bit more intense than normal. I miss him so much that it drives me crazy! There is so much I wish I could say to him, and hear his response back. I need his guidance, he was always my guidance. 

Well that is what my wish would be “for my dad to be back for a day ONE SINGULAR DAY.   I can’t wait to hear from you guys on what your wish would be. It does not have to go into as much detail as mine. I share more information because I want you guys to feel open to sharing with me. I want you guys to know that I am here for all of you and that you can come to me even if it’s not over the blog topic! 

Thank you for taking the time to read this far! Have a great day and as always go check out the shop! I love everyone, and your love and support is so appreciated. 

I have 4 kids that inspire me to go beyond. These products have been hand made with a lot of thought and time put into them.